This section of the website gives guidance on the stroke medicine interview process. Covered in this section are five main areas:
- Invitation and booking - should your application be assessed as eligible, and score highly enough to progress through shortlisting, then you will be invited to interview. Information is given here about how invitations to interview will be sent and how you can book your slot.
- Interview preparation - there are very specific requirements for the documentation which you will need to bring with you to interview. Please carefully review the information before attending your interview.
- Structure and content – what to expect on the day and what will be covered in the interview itself.
- Appointability and scoring – how interviews will be scored and ranked, and what is the criteria to be deemed appointable.
- After the interview – information about the next steps, including how and when you will receive feedback.
Once shortlisting is complete, invitations for interview can be sent. As soon as interview slots are released for booking, you will be sent an email notification; this will be no later than Friday 17 December 2021.
There will be a stated deadline by which you must book your interview slot, otherwise the invitation will be withdrawn.
Candidates who are not initially shortlisted will be allocated if possible should higher ranking candidates not take up their invitation. It is anticipated that all applicants will be invited to interview if they have been shortlisted.
Once you have received your invitation to interview, you will be able to book into an interview slot via the Oriel system.
Upon logging in you will be able to access the remaining vacant timeslots to make your choice. Slots are allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis so be aware that your preferred timing might not be available. It is possible to change a booking to another vacant slot at any point up until the booking deadline should need arise.
Once you book a slot, you will receive an email confirming your booking and will be able to see details of this in your Oriel account.
If you encounter any difficulty booking your interview, contact the lead region as soon as possible before the deadline.
In the event you are not able to attend your interview at the scheduled date/time, you should cancel the booking via Oriel as soon as you are aware of this. If you no longer wish your application to be considered, you should also withdraw your application, again via Oriel.
This may allow your interview place to be offered to another candidate.
Interview preparation
Please remember that the requirements are very specific for the documentation so please carefully review the information before attending your interview.
You will need to bring two sets of documents to interview:
- Eligibility documents - this includes your identification and evidence of your right to work in the UK
Eligibility documents
For each document type you will need to bring the original version of the document where possible, along with a photocopy. The photocopies will be retained by the recruitment team, with the original documents returned to you.
If there are any additional requirements for the eligibility folder to that detailed below, you will be notified in advance of interviews.
The boxes below detail what is required in each case.
You will need to provide:
- one form of photographic identification
You should also provide a photocopy for the region to retain.
Photographic identification - use passport if possible
You must bring your passport where possible. If you do not hold a passport, then you should provide a photo-card driving licence. If you hold neither, please see the NHS employers website for further guidance.
Please note that when photocopying your passport, the relevant pages you need to photocopy are:
- outer cover,
- inside front cover
- photo and signature page; if your passport has the photo and signature on different pages, these are both needed
any additional pages of relevance within the passport - eg giving information on immigration status.
If you are a candidate of UK/EEA nationality, you should provide your passport or birth certificate - plus, if relevant, any naturalisation papers.
If you are a non-UK/EEA candidate, you should provide your current passport, Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) or an Immigration Status Document containing evidence of your current visa status with issue and expiry dates.
Again, it is necessary for you to provide a photocopy of any documents used here, for the region to retain.
Even if you have used your passport and accompanying photocopy as a personal ID document (above), please provide another photocopy of this for use here.
Interview content
The interview will be split across two stations with a separate pair of interviewers scoring you on the areas in their station. There will be four questions which will range between 4–6 minutes each in length. You will be marked on these four questions. The headings below show the question areas and in which station they will be covered, along with information about what will be assessed.
Each station will last 10 minutes, so including the time between stations, the interview will be approximately 25 minutes.
Please note that this may be subject to change.
This is where your application form and training to date will be reviewed. Interviewers will ask you questions based on your career, achievements to date and your engagement with training and learning.
This question will take approximately 6 minutes.
You will be asked about service or research in stroke medicine. When you discuss the question, try to take a broad view of the subject and produce a balanced argument. You are being assessed on your ability to formulate an argument on your feet.
This question will last approximately 4 minutes.
You will first be required to give a case presentation, which you are expected to have prepared in advance, on the following topic:
'An interesting case I have been involved in/a case that has changed my practice'
You will be asked to present your case in no more than 3 minutes and then there will be approximately 3 minutes of questioning afterwards.
When preparing your case presentation, please bear in mind the points below:
Clarity & relevance most important - Select a topic that is relevant to stroke medicine, and which you can present with clarity. This is more important than trying to impress by choosing a subject that is esoteric or complex. It should be relevant to your application where possible.
No aids/resources provided - you are not allowed to use any visual representations, such as PowerPoint, when giving your presentation and you must not share your screen. You are welcome to use prompts on small cards, but these should be for your own use only.
Three-minute time limit - Your presentation must last for no more than three minutes. Please note that you will be stopped after this time so as to allow further discussion to take place, so try and get your main points across before then. At the same time, bear in mind that interviewers will be assessing the level, depth and content of your presentation, as well as expecting some structure.
Interview nerves will also be taken into consideration.
Post-presentation discussion
Once your presentation is finished (interviewers will stop you at the time limit if you have not already finished), interviewers will discuss it with you and ask further questions relating to the items you raised, plus any further points. This discussion will take place for (approximately) another 3 minutes.
This question will focus on your suitability for and commitment to stroke medicine and give you opportunity to expand on information provided in your application form.
This question will last approximately 4 minutes.
Lay representatives
A lay representative will also be present to monitor interviews. Their role is to provide independent quality assurance of the interview process, ensuring that agreed processes are followed, robust records kept and issues are managed appropriately.
To carry out their role, they will sit in some interviews, and you may or may not come across one during your interview. They play no part in the assessment of candidates.
Raw interview score
The interview is designed to assess a number of different aspects of your candidature, with interviewers independently awarding scores for different areas before these are compiled.
During interview, you will be assessed on four independent aspects of your candidature. For each aspect, you will receive two marks - one from each of the two interviewers assessing you on each aspect; thus giving 8 marks in total.
Each of these marks will be between 1 and 5; so with 8 marks awarded, your score will be between 8 and 40. This score is referred to as your 'raw interview score' (RIS) - ie the score awarded to your interview as a whole, before any weighting is applied.
Details on how such weighting is applied to scores can be found below.
Scoring framework
The score of 1-5 an interviewer will award you for each assessment area is judged in relation to how well you perform against an expected level. Below is the framework used to award scores at interview, as well as interpretation of what these scores represent:
Mark |
Rating |
Assessment |
1 |
poor |
not considered appointable |
2 |
area for concern |
performed below the level expected; possibly unappointable, subject to discussion and performance in other areas |
3 |
satisfactory |
performed at the level expected to be suitable for entry to a stroke medicine programme |
4 |
good |
above average ability; suitable for entry to a stroke medicine programme |
5 |
excellent |
highly performing trainee; suitable for entry to a stroke medicine programme |
As shown in the table, for each of the question areas at interview, 3/5 is considered a satisfactory score; and reflects the level of performance that would be expected of a trainee ready to progress to a stroke medicine programme.
Should your performance go above and beyond this expected level, interviewers can award marks of 4/5 or 5/5 as appropriate.
Conversely, should your interview performance not reach the expected level, then interviewers can award marks of 1/5 or 2/5, as reflects their level of concern over your performance.
From the eight scores awarded during your interview, an 'appointability' status will be calculated to determine whether or not you can be considered for an offer.
The intention is to ensure successful candidates can display competence consistently across all areas of assessment covered at interview; rather than allowing outstanding achievement in one or more areas to make up for sub-par performance elsewhere.
Appointability is awarded automatically, and is based on two factors: individual interview scores and the 'raw interview score'.
Appointability criteria
To be classed as 'appointable', you must meet three criteria below:
- none of your 8 interview scores can be 1/5
- no more than two of your 12 interview scores can be 2/5
- your RIS must be 24 or above.
If you meet all three requirements, your application will be assessed as appointable, and can progress to be considered for post offers.
However, if you fail to meet any of these requirements, your application must then be assessed as not appointable, and it will progress no further in that round.
Total score
After interview, a weighting is applied to the scores in each area, as well as your application score.
These scores are then combined to give your total score which determines your ranking, which will in turn be used to inform how offers are made. The weighting of different sections, as well as the method by which your total score is established, is detailed in the table accessible through the link below:
Interviewer 1 |
Interviewer 2 |
Weighting |
Max score |
Question 1 |
application and training |
/ 5 |
/ 5 |
x2.5 |
/ 25 |
Question 2 |
stroke medicine service and research |
/ 5 |
/ 5 |
x1.8 |
/ 18 |
Question 3 |
case presentation |
/ 5 |
/ 5 | x2.5 | / 25 |
Question 4 |
commitment to stroke medicine |
/ 5 |
/ 5 |
x1.2 |
/ 12 |
Raw interview score / 40 |
Interview score (w weighting) |
/ 80 |
Total score |
/ 80 |
As with your application, once your interview has been completed, feedback on your interview assessment and application status will be available.
Once scores are confirmed and processed, you will be informed by email in one of three ways:
- you will be made an offer in accordance with your rank and preferences
- you will be notified that your application is not appointable and will progress no further in the round
- you will be notified that you are appointable but cannot be offered one of your programme preferences at that stage and so have been placed on the reserve list should higher ranked candidates reject their offer.
Interview scores
Feedback will be released to you via the two different methods below; this is expected to happen on the upgrading deadline.
The scores for each of the four questions, your 'raw interview score’, weighted ‘total score’ and ranking will be released to Oriel.
- You will be emailed the mark sheets from interview which included the comments made. Interviewers will be using tablets to score candidates and make notes and so this will be a word for word transcription of the comments written by each one.
At this time, a graph detailing the distribution of scores across all interviews in the round will be published to the data tab of the about stroke medicine page of this website. This will include average scores and the ratio of appointable candidates.
You will be sent an email when this feedback is released.
Additional documents
In some cases you may be asked to provide some documentation to allow your application to progress.
At interview you may be asked to supply something specific, if so you will be told on the day what is required and when you must return it. In many cases there will be a form given to you clarifying this information.
It is very important that you meet the deadline required; failure to do so could result in your withdrawal or you being unable to take up a post.